First Trimester Survival Kit + How to MANAGE morning sickness


There is nothing quite like the first trimester of pregnancy. For many of us, it starts out with pure joy and high health expectations…only to drop off quickly into massive nausea and feeling like you just got sideswiped by a semi truck.

Sadly, there is no conclusive research pointing to the ‘one official cause’ of morning sickness (although scientists are finally starting to understand the role certain hormones may play!). And it follows that there are no quick fixes or cure-alls for all the first trimester woes either.

HOWEVER, there are quite a few pregnancy-safe tips, tricks and products that have been shown to take the edge off for many and provide snippets of comfort along the journey. Here are my top favorites that I’ve personally used myself!

Vitamin B6: 50mg is safe in pregnancy and can really help to reduce certain types of nausea and sickness. The usual recommendation is 10-25 mg every 8 hours — and I prefer the active form which is pyridoxal-5'-phosphate. Needed's Prenatal Multi Capsules and Powder each have 40 mg in them. If you’re looking for more, choose the active form called Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (P-5-P) from a respected brand like Seeking Health.

Ginger extract capsules: Latest research says 500mg twice a day is safe. Here's a thorough review of ginger safety in pregnancy. This may be my favorite go-to nausea relief. I find these capsules far more effective than ginger teas, candies or chews (they’re quite a bit stronger, after all). And you don’t have to taste them in the process!

Magnesium: Another easy and cheap supplement to try out that’s super low risk. It has a calming effect on the nervous system and a connection to the reduction of blood sugar spikes, thus helping reduce the risk of nausea in pregnancy, although no firm studies have been done to date. I use magnesium glycinate for its excellent absorption and lack of digestive issues. Seeking Health makes a great B6/mag combo—search for it HERE.

Electrolytes: This is also an important time to stay on top of your mineralized hydration with our Hydration Support stick packs. Here’s a link to why electrolyte support is so often needed in pregnancy and beyond. These also include some good magnesium (see above point).

Homeopathy: I feel very comfortable using homeopathy during my pregnancies. The ones that came in most handy for me —


Spry peppermint gum: I had terrible metallic and altered taste for a long time (clinically called dysgeusia), and Spry would almost instantly take it away and help the nausea. Plus, it’s made with real peppermint and xylitol (a sweetener good for your teeth!). If things are really tasting metallic, even water, make sure you’re drinking filtered water out of glass, or a glass straw.

Mint teas: I defaulted to tea in my first trimester mornings, usually with a scoop of collagen powder in it from hidden protein (win!) but there are delicious tea blends many brands have crafted specifically for the first trimester. Pink Stork’s Morning Sickness Tea and Earth Mama Organic’s Morning Wellness Tea are great options as well.

Digestive enzymes: These are another major favorite of mine, pregnant or not. Carbs, fats, and proteins all require different enzymes to properly break down in our digestive tract. If we are low on them, or our digestion is slow due to pregnancy hormones, taking a quality, broad-spectrum enzyme capsule before a meal can REALLY help. My hands-down favorites are Needed's Digestive Enzymes. They even help your body process gluten better.

Pink Stork has several products, the most stand-out one for morning sickness being Gut Health. Check out my full report HERE!


Essential Oils: I have a crunchy granola essential oil side and made sure I was stocked up on peppermint and citrus essential oils when I got pregnant. Sniffing lemon or peppermint especially can really help get your brain out of its nausea state. I carried a bottle of peppermint around in my purse and was often thankful to be able to pull it out when strange smells crept too close.

Eating before getting out of bed: Keep specific snacks stocked in your bedside table so that you can get something into your stomach before you even sit up in bed. My go-tos this time around were Mamma Chia squeeze pouches, macadamia nuts, bananas and sprouted brown rice cakes. Every once in a while, a crisp cold apple sounded perfect, even though there wasn’t the benefit of protein or fat within it. If you’re waking frequently to pee throughout the night (highly likely), then eating even just a few nuts at each of those nighttime intervals can help your body prepare for a better morning.  

I’m a huge fan of healthy fats in pregnancy and beyond, but if your digestive is feeling sluggish and disrupted during your first trimester, try to go easy on the heavy fats. Many women report not even desiring anything fat-based until later in pregnancy, which goes along with this theory. Give your gall bladder some support and boost healthy bile flow while also combatting nausea with Beta-TCP from Biotics Research. It’s beet-based and safe in pregnancy.

That said, grabbing a small snack with some saturated fat in it before bed can help hold your blood sugar more stable overnight and in turn, give you a better morning. Try a piece of cheese, spoonful or two of full-fat plain yogurt, handful of nuts, olives, or some pregnancy tea with cream in it.

If bloating, gas and indigestion are really getting to you, it may be worth avoiding the Brassica family for a while (broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, etc.), as well as foods high in sulfur—raw onions and garlic especially.

Try for slow walks outside in fresh air as often as possible. And if you’re feeling guilty about skipping your prenatal supplements altogether due to sickness, give yourself some grace! If you’re able to do one or two a day…folate is extra important early on as it defends against neural tube defects in the first trimester especially. And Needed makes an amazing prenatal POWDER that can be mixed into smoothies or beverages easily—great for anyone triggered by swallowing pills or capsules.

Just remember — this is worth it! Everything negative is temporary. This is what you came for. ♥♥♥